Johnny Depp's Dogs has been Deported

This is happening hours before the deadline given for their deportation or death.
The dogs left from Brisbane Airport in Depp's private jet.
It has not yet been confirmed if Depp and his wife joined them.
It will be recalled that Depp and his wife had flown into Australia to shoot the latest Pirates of the Caribbean Movie but was not allowed to keep his dogs because the pets breached the country's biosecurity law.
In a statement by Joyce, the Australian Minister he said
"Two dogs that were brought in Australia without meeting our import requirements have now been exported back to their country of origin.
A department of the Agriculture Officer has escorted the two dogs from the property in Queensland, where they have been held under quarantine order, to the airport for their flight home.
The department issued the necessary export documentation and correspondence to the relevant veterinary authority to facilitate the repatriation of the dogs.
All cost associated with returning the dogs were met by the owners".
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