Hair Transitioning 101: Know Your Hair Type. Mine is 4c

Knowing your hair type provides you with a good starting point for understanding your hair. It helps you know what products work best for your hair and how to care for it.

Hair types a determined by curl pattern and curl pattern are know after you was and air dry your hair.

Hair type classification ranges from straight to curly and curly types are  3a, 3b, 3c, 4a, 4b and 4c.

Afro Hair Types

Natural Hair Type 3A

It has a loose wave kind of curl, full, with defined S-pattern

Natural Curly Hair Type 3B

It has a defined curl pattern, curlier than type 3A and slightly looser that type 3C

Natural Curly Hair Type 3C

This is where the curl starts to set. it like the thin line between slightly-curly and curly.

Natural Curly Hair Type 4A

It also have a defined curly pattern and tightly coiled

Natural Curly Hair Type 4B

It is tightly coiled and less curly. It has more defined It has more of a Z-pattern. It can be likened to a slightly overstretched spiral.

Natural Curly Hair Type 4c

It is tightly coiled and has no defined curly pattern. The hair has a cotton-like feel.

My hair is type 4c or between 4C and 4B.

Discover yours and start using the right hair care products for your hair.


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